Sunday, May 24, 2020

Neurobiology: Haribo Gold Bears Advertisement

Many people hate commercials, but in my household commercials rarely get skipped - mainly because my dad finds them all so entertaining. He has a ton of commercials memorized! With that being said, one of my and my dad's favorite commercials is one advertising Haribo Gold Bears. In this advertisement, there are adults in a conference room discussing these gummy bears - but they all have baby voices and use incorrect grammar. Some of our favorite lines are, "The red one is more gooder to me 'cause it tastes like berries!" and "And then I'm gonna flyyy it into my mouth!" We always get a laugh out of this commercial anytime it comes on. We even quote it to each other randomly lots of times!

The area of my brain primarily involved in my response to this marketing campaign is the frontal lobe. The frontal lobe has everything to do with a person's mood, personality, and behavior. I have the type of personality that thinks this type of marketing campaign is funny! I also find myself in a better mood because I end up laughing at how silly it is. The hippocampus is also involved because I have the script of the commercial stored in my long-term memories. This memory is specifically spatial memory because it is associated with what I have seen/experienced. The amygdala could also play a factor in regards to associating this memory with the emotions I feel during watching/talking about the commercial (happiness, humor/laughter, etc.)

Below is the link to this great commercial:

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