Sunday, August 2, 2020

Neuro Note #3 - Parkinson's Disease

For this neuro note, I decided to learn a little more about Parkinson's Disease. I chose this because I have never been around anyone with this specific disease until last year when I started dating my boyfriend whose grandmother has Parkinson's. I became interested in how Parkinson's affects people after this. The article I'm writing about is also about a service dog, and since I am obsessed with dogs, the article caught my eye.
To further my learning, I read an article entitled "The biggest compliment I get is when people don't notice my dog is here" by Aurore Groult. The author interviews Renee La Verrier about her diagnosis and how her dog assists her in her daily life. Renee has lived with Parkinson's for 13 years and has had her service dog Tommy for six years.

Reading this article helped me learn the benefits of having a service dog for someone with Parkinson's. Tommy helps Renee have confidence enough to go out in public places each day. Renee states that not only does Tommy help her physically but he also helps build a bridge between her and other people because people look at her and don't just see a disease. But with the benefits of having Tommy also comes challenges. Tommy requires a lot of attention and care, and Renee frequently worries about something happening to him. There are also many fraudulent dog services in the U.S. which means just about anyone can fake a dog's service, and that can be very dangerous in certain places. She talks about how some dogs run all over the place while people comment on not even noticing her dog. This is how it should be because dogs that are not properly trained can cause a lot of problems. In conclusion, service dogs can be beneficial to those with Parkinson's, but a lot of research should be done first in regards to the right organizations and proper training for the dog.

Reference List:

Groult, A. (2018). The biggest compliment I get is when people don't notice my dog is here. Parkinson's Life.

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